What’s On
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Public Notices
'Soup and Stories' at Crediton bookshop
Enjoy ‘Soup and Stories’ at Crediton bookshop
Exciting events for Crediton this year
Art-coustics project ask locals to crochet ivy leaves
Crediton Courier celebrates 50th birthday
Toby (5), switched on Crediton’s Christmas Lights
Green light for Crediton project’s community space
Cart makes life easier for town maintenance team
Crediton’s Turning Tides Project wants to use land as community space
Empowering Creativity: Summer programme for 11-16 year olds
The latest planning applications from the Crediton area
Crediton Station Tea Rooms now has a hoist
Crediton Park and Ride to be resurfaced
Crediton Town Council grants £38,504.70 to local groups
Refurbished Crediton Station Tea Rooms officially opened
Supporting Local Charities, by Central Devon MP Mel Stride
Environment News
Sustainable Crediton’s Seed Share had so much more
£18,950 grant funds accessible toilets at Crediton Station Tea Rooms
Annual Crediton Seed Share returns on February 24
Don’t miss The Turning Tides Project concert on February 17
Otis got to meet two Crediton Talking News readers
Another Year Begins at Crediton Parish Church!
Lions Club of Crediton cheque went to The Turning Tides Project
‘Great engagement’ at Crediton ‘A Celebration of Youth’ event
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