FORMED less than a year ago, Morchard Bishop Environment Group held its first seed swap on Saturday, February 11 at the village produce market in the Memorial Hall.  

Morchard Bishop Parish Council allocated £500 last year to help set up the Group.  Parish councillor Steve Watson said there is still “quite a bit left” with plans to use some of this to buy signs warning of hedgehogs in the hopes of reducing the numbers killed on the roads. 

Cllr Watson explained that it all began because he was fed up with the number of laminated notices that were posted on the village notice board adding to the amount of plastic in use. 

“We now have signs saying ‘No plastic’ ,” he said.  “We had a village meeting last May and we now meet once a month upstairs in the Memorial Hall.”

So far the group has achieved having more 20 mph signs in the village to help reduce vehicles speeding, setting up an excess produce stand and issuing all school children with a bag of daffodils to plant. 

The group also does monthly educational articles on the impact of climate change and is beginning planting in communal areas to encourage wildlife. 

Ideas in the pipeline include having a community orchard, a children’s clothes swop and identifying available grants to help in reducing energy usage in the home. 

As well as a wide variety of vegetable and flower seeds on February 11, there was a tray of potato chittings and a number of wildflower seeds. 

People were being invited to sign up with the group to receive a monthly update on projects.  Anyone who might be able to help and would like to be involved should email: [email protected] .