ON Saturday, March 1 in amazing conditions, an individual stableford competition was played at Okehampton Golf Club.

The winner of division one was Alan Searle with 39 points, Martyn Letchford was second with 37 points, Steve Rice was third with 35 points on countback, Phil Atherton was third with 35 points and Mark Bennett was fifth also with 35 points.

Division two was won by Sue Stanbury with 37 points on the back nine from, in second Steve Hill also with 37 points. Billy Salter was third with 36 points, Richard Johnson was fourth also with 36 points and Kerry Skinner was fifth with 35 points.

John Latham was the winner of division three with 32 points, Nick Dudley-Warde was in second place with 32 points, Alan Dunn was third with 31 points, Frank Nowell was fourth with 31 points and David Haines-Lawson was fifth again with 31 points.