THERE have been Flower and Produce Shows in Zeal Monachorum for nearly 70 years, taking place in the Village Hall, which was bought by the community in 1956.

Erica Eden, Chair of Zeal Monachorum Village Hall, explained: “It is a great tradition to be continuing and this year’s Autumn Vegetable, Flower and Homecraft Show on Saturday, September 7 will again be presenting cups engraved with lists of winners over many years. 

“As usual it has been made as simple as possible to enter exhibits - there’s no charge or need to book.

“Exhibitors just bring their entries to the hall between 10am and 12 noon.

“All classes are open to adults and children, though they are judged separately. This has given the possibility for greater creativity with some adults contributing to classes that would in the past have been just for children and the latter feeling encouraged to enter more classes.

“The judging will take place in private and then it only costs £1 admission, children free, from 2.30pm to view the wonderful array of entries and see who has won. 

“Prizegiving is at 3pm followed by an auction, in aid of the hall, of some of the produce, which the owners have generously contributed.

“In some cases this means bidders might take home a prize winning item!”

Erica added that there will be a draw and refreshments including cream teas.

The Show schedule and rules are available at: or telephone Erica on 01363 82571.