CREDITON Heart Project is proud to announce a new and exciting community art project.
The project is called Kick Start Art and is for all school aged children living in Crediton and its surrounding villages.
It is led by Linda Williamson, a recently retired teacher who worked in local schools for the past 30 years.
Linda and the Crediton Heart Project are passionate about art and started this project to inspire and enthuse children to create art, try some new techniques, learn about a range of artists and most importantly to have fun and enjoy the process!

For any of you who enjoyed the TV shows Take Hart or Art Attack, the idea is similar: each term, Linda will set an art challenge.
She will share the challenge with Queen Elizabeth’s Academy and all of its feeder primary schools, who will then share the information with the children and their parents.
Schools, parents and children can access all of the information, resources and ideas on the Heart Project’s website: .
The website includes teaching videos, links to artists and resources to support the project.
This term’s project is Still Life. Children are encouraged to watch Linda’s video to get ideas and hopefully they will be inspired to create their own still life.

If they wish, the children can enter their art work into the termly competition which will be judged by Linda and a group of QE Key Stage 4 students.
The winners will receive prizes and their work with be displayed around the town, on social media and on the Heart Project website.
Visit the website to learn more about the project, the mascot, Dan and the project logo, discover how they were designed by QE students and, finally, try to encourage young people to pick up a pencil or paintbrush and take part!