PLANS are being pulled together for Cheriton Fitzpaine Community Shop to buy the former Methodist Chapel in the village.

The shop is currently housed in a temporary cabin built on land next to the Methodist Chapel, which is owned by the Chapel.

The popular Cheriton Fitzpaine Community shop has a lease due to expire in December 2027.

It was established five years ago as a result of villagers pulling together to raise the finance to build and stock it, and it has run so successfully that it needs bigger premises to serve the needs of the community.

At the recent shareholder meeting at Cheriton Fitzpaine.
At the recent shareholder meeting at Cheriton Fitzpaine. (Cheriton Fitzpaine Community Shop)

Sadly, as reported in the Courier in April this year, the Methodist Chapel and schoolroom had to finally close their doors after almost 160 years.

Ever since, there have been worries about the future of this iconic building, right in the centre of the village.

Before being put on the open market, the Methodists have given supporters of the shop the opportunity to purchase the entire site!

This is a big ask, but such is the feeling in the community, that shareholders recently met and voted in favour of fundraising to see whether enough money can be raised to purchase, renovate and fit out the buildings as a bigger and better shop and community hub.

A spokesperson for the shop said: “There is a certain amount of jeopardy in such a bold plan because if the money cannot be raised, the future of the shop looks grim.

“Those who worked hard to set it up in the first place know what a difference it made to village life.

“Not only is it a convenient shop stocking local commodities at good prices, it is a meeting place for young and old and offers its volunteer workforce a valuable experience serving the community.”

If successful, plans would include a shop and café in the Chapel and a heritage centre, library, arts and crafts gallery and social space in the schoolroom.

The aim is that it will be run by the community for the community.

The ambitious goal is to raise £250,000 through donations, grants, a community share offer and social events.

Pledges are already being accepted.

The shareholders are now inviting everyone to attend a public meeting about The Chapel Project in Cheriton Fitzpaine Parish Hall on Tuesday, November 26 (1pm and 7pm) to find out more and to share their views and idea.

It is hoped for packed audiences each time.

Pledge forms are already available and can be obtained in the shop.

A new Chapel project website will be launched in the near future.