CREDITON Town Square looks a lot tidier after 32 members of the 3rd Crediton Brownies took part in a tidy up, litter pick, sweeping and weed clearance on Monday, September 16.

Crediton Town Councillors and Crediton Urban Taskforce [CUT!] members, Giles Fawssett and Steve Huxtable were there to show the Brownies how it is done and then the Brownies enthusiastically got to work.

Cllr Fawssett said: “In Crediton we are moving away from weed killing sprays to local community action, to litter picking and weed clearing in public areas.
“This is good for community cohesion, for personal mental and physical health and saves the taxpayer money.”
Both he and Cllr Huxtable thanked the Brownies for their efforts.