AS Secretary of State for Work and Pensions I have just arrived in India to represent the UK at the G20 – the premier international forum for economic co-operation.

Comprising 19 of the world’s largest economies plus the European Union, G20 members represent around 85 per cent of global GDP and 75 per cent of global trade.

I am looking forward to flying the flag for British businesses and having meetings with my international counterparts to discuss important issues such as ensuring that economic growth is compatible with reducing global carbon emissions.

Boosting economic ties is also key to our national defence. Countries that trade with one another are less likely to go to war, and this week the government published the Defence Command Paper Refresh (DCP23).

It sets out our plan to bolster the UK national defence and ensure we remain a global military heavyweight.

While we cannot match the formidable militaries of the US or China, we remain Europe’s best funded and strongest military force, and remain a key global player.

DCP23 outlines how the British Armed Forces will modernise and adapt to the changing global picture, with a strong focus on investment in science and technology.

It sets out:

• An additional £2.5 billion investment into our stockpiles and munitions, on top of the increased investment committed at the Autumn Statement;

• A Global Response Force that enables the UK to "get there first", bringing together our deployed and high-readiness forces, and drawing on capabilities from all domains;

• How Defence will become a science and technology superpower, enhancing our capabilities in fields such as robotics, human augmentation, directed energy weapons and advanced materials, to gain the edge on the battlefield;

• An improved surge capacity through our Strategic Reserve, built around the ex-regular reserve forces to add further depth and expertise in time of crisis;

• A new alliance with industry, engaging much earlier in strategic conversations and building in greater financial headroom to respond to changing needs;

• A new employment model and skills framework, increasing fluidity between the military, the Civil Service and industry, while offering a more compelling and competitive incentivisation package;

• A further £400 million to modernise accommodation that our service families deserve, which is essential for the operational effectiveness of our personnel.

Much of DCP23 is about learning the lessons from the Russian invasion of Ukraine in early 2022 – that peace on our continent cannot be taken for granted and that the UK must strengthen its national defence in an increasingly uncertain world.

Only seven of 30 NATO countries met their target of spending two per cent of GDP on defence in 2022 (the UK being one of them) and we are now moving towards 2.5 per cent.

For the first time the UK annual defence budget will exceed £50 billion. Only by taking this lead, along with the United States, will we have the credibility to encourage our NATO allies to increase their spending too, which is essential in the face of continued Russian aggression. 

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