MORE than 30 crafters from about a three mile radius of Hittisleigh exhibited their work at Hittisleigh Parish Church to raise funds for the church on Saturday, September 7.

Organisers were Edna Beasley, Teresa Bowen and Sheila Matthews, all members of Hittisleigh Craft Club, which is now in its third year.

Taking over from an earlier group, the club meets monthly in Hittisleigh Village Hall.  Its next event is a Christmas Bazaar at the end of November, again raising funds for the church. 

Work on display at the exhibition was quite incredible in the variety and expertise.  Included was bonsai, wood turning, greetings cards, patchwork, dress making, cross stitch, painting, photography, small houses made mostly from recycled wood, and knitting.  

The exhibition was busy all day with visitors, not just local but from miles away, including some Two Moors Way walkers.  

The tea tent with its many scrumptious home-made cakes and buns was busy too.  

Sue Read