A TIVERTON security company is to pay more than £24,000 to an environmental charity for failing to comply with packaging waste regulations. 

Kaba Ltd, which is based at Tiverton Business Park, had failed to register or comply with the rules for 18 years. 

It will give the Devon Wildlife Trust £24,100 in an “enforcement undertaking”, a legal agreement with the Environment Agency, as an alternative to prosecution or a monetary penalty. 

An Environment Agency investigation found that the company had failed to register between 2001 and 2018 under regulations on packaging waste or taken steps to ensure waste was recovered and recycled.  

The sum to be paid considered how much the company saved by failing to comply with the regulations, plus a 10 per cent penalty. 

Kaba Ltd has also agreed to adopt new procedures, including registering with a packaging compliance scheme, and is paying the Environment Agency’s costs.