ELEVEN decorated Christmas trees, each depicting a different Christmas carol, fill Spreyton Parish Church from today, Thursday, December 14 to Sunday, December 17.
At least three festivals had been held at Spreyton before covid hit.

As the church needs to raise funds for a new shed to store items such as grass cutting equipment, spare chairs, things that are not used all the time but still necessary now and again, plus funds for a toilet for the church and raising “desperately needed” funds for Hospiscare, the Festival is being held again.
It is open from 10.30am to 4.30pm each day. There will be coffee, tea and mince pies among the refreshments. Entry is £2, children admitted free.
Among those decorating trees or sponsoring are the village school, the pub The Tom Cobley Tavern, shop, the Bridge Club, Bowls Club, Gardening Club, bellringers and there is a special tree at the lychgate entrance to the church path.
The tree festival has been organised by Lesley Jewell with Judith Talbot, Churchwarden.