CADBURY Deanery Bellringers held their Annual Meeting at St Peter’s Church, Zeal Monachorum on Wednesday, November 30.

This was combined with an evening of bell ringing for all who attended.

Deanery Officers re-elected were: President - Mr Jim King (Sandford), Chairman; Mr Ken Down (Zeal Monachorum); Secretary - Mrs Margaret Down (Zeal Monachorum) and Treasurer - Mr Bob Robinson (Morchard Bishop).

The deanery committee agreed to hold some evenings of social ringing on the second Wednesday of the winter months beginning in January.

All bellringers from the deanery churches are invited to go along, introduce themselves and join in the ringing.

Not all deanery towers have a full team so this is an opportunity to share bellringing skills. The first ring will be at St Swithun’s Church, Sandford, from 7.30pm to 9pm on January 11. Bell ringers from deanery towers are encouraged to go along.

Other dates and venues are:

February 8 - St Cyr and St Julietta, Newton St Cyres - 7.30pm to 9pm; March 8 - St Mary, Down St Mary - 7.30pm to 9pm.

There will be a buffet after the ring at Down St Mary at the London Inn, Morchard Bishop.