CREDITON Town Council's Oversight Committee met on February 11 and key points were:

Public Question Time: Several questions were raised by members of the public regarding conflict of interests, funding groups through CTC's Community grants, the venue for council meetings, and specific grant applications.

Approval of Financial Transactions: Transactions between January 1 and January 31 were reviewed and approved. The bank reconciliation and account balances were also noted.

Christmas Light Infrastructure: Concerns were raised about the structural issues with current Christmas light brackets. It was decided to continue investigating additional cross-street lighting and other solutions.

The committee formally decided to recommend to Full Council a £2,000 grant to the Crediton Heart Project for their summer festival.

Grant Allocations: Discussion on large and small grant allocations was held. Large grants totalling over £34,500 were recommended for approval, while small grants totalling £5,700 were noted.

It was decided to hold the annual town meeting on March 22, incorporating consultations on current Council projects and land use.

The next meeting of the Oversight Committee will take place on Tuesday, March 11.