Mid Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending February 12 included:
All applications are subject to a 21-day period for receipt of representations unless otherwise stated.
Mrs R Boaden, Fairfield. Erection of timber framed hay/feed store and animal shelter.
Ms Rachel Avery, 8 North Street. Listed Building Consent for alterations to ground and first floor layout to facilitate its reuse as offices at Manor Offfice, 6 North Street.
Mr and Mrs Wynne, Windfall, Threshers. Erection of single storey rear extension and side porch.
Mr Steven Ball, 44 Parkfield Rank, Pucklechurch, Bristol. Variation of Condition 2 of planning permission 22/02342/FULL (Erection of replacement dwelling) to allow substitute plans relating to change of materials for windows and doors from timber framed to uPVC at Yeo Vale Cottage, Lapford.
Sarah Miller and Mark Jeeves, ℅ HC Planning Ltd, PO Box 981, Exeter. Erection of a treehouse to provide holiday accommodation, with associated access track and parking area at land at NGR 283164 110410 Road from Littleborough Cross to Church Close, Puddington.
Miss Catherine Lock, Ivy Cottage, Kennerleigh. Listed Building Consent for internal alterations to include two internal walls to enclose a bedroom.
Mr and Mrs Davis, Rose Cottage. Listed Building Consent for installation of 21 replacement windows and two external doors.
Teignbridge District Council planning applications received for week ending February 7 included:
Porch, two-storey rear extension with balcony and first floor side extension at Little Fairwood Cottage.
Certificate of Lawfulness for the Existing use of Building Two as an Office (Use Class E(g)(1) including the physical works to convert Building Two to this use at Building Two, Attwells Farm, Rowhorne Road, Nadderwater.
To see more public notices and planning applications, visit: https://publicnoticeportal.uk/.