Exclusive by Alan Quick
INCONSIDERATE parking by motorists in some streets in Crediton is causing real concerns, blocking highways for local residents, ambulances, refuse collection vehicles and fire appliances.
This week, as on many similar occasions, Mid Devon District Council was unable to collect recycling and food waste due to badly parked vehicles blocking the thoroughfare in Churchill Drive and Waresfoot Drive in the town.
In addition, on Sunday, February 4, an ambulance was only able to get in and out of Waresfoot Drive with the help of local residents assisting the driver, because a red Vauxhall car, which has been in the same location for many days, was badly parked, partly on a pavement and the highway.
The red car has left such a small space that a lorry, or even a fire engine, would be unable to access Waresfoot Drive.
Local resident, Cyril May, said: “I helped the ambulance get through but it was touch and go.
“Why people park so badly is beyond me? What if we needed a fire engine in our road?
“A fire engine is much wider than an ambulance.
“It could put someone’s life in danger.”
Leaflets from Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Service have now been placed on some of the vehicles warning motorists.
The leaflet reads: “Would we be able to get to your home in an emergency?
“Bad parking has delayed fire engines and ambulances reaching serious incidents in this area.
“When parking your vehicle, please remember to: park close to the kerb, leave enough space for a fire engine or an ambulance to pass, leave extra room near tight corners, fold in your wing mirror.
“Every second counts when the emergency services are responding to an incident.”
Crediton Town Council in association with Devon County Council (DCC) has also issued a leaflet about inconsiderate parking and the inconvenience it causes.
The leaflet contains useful information about good parking practice, and says that to reduce danger, inconvenience and damage caused by drivers parking on the pavement or at crossing points.
It says this is particularly important near to schools and for people with mobility or visual impairments.
Crediton Town Clerk, Mrs Clare Dalley, said: “The Town Council would urge all motorists to consider their surroundings when parking their vehicles and have due regard to the access requirements of emergency vehicles and pedestrians as well as other road users.”
The Town Council and DCC leaflet warns that parking on a pavement is an offence under some local by-laws and also if a pavement is obstructed, Fixed Penalty Notices could result.
It adds that parking on a pavement can force pedestrians, wheelchair users and people with pushchairs onto the road where they are at risk from vehicles.
It notes that parking on pavements causes particular problems for people with poor eyesight and for people with mobility problems.
Advice about parking on pavements outside schools and near school crossing patrols also causes dangers, it says.
To obtain a copy of the leaflet, please visit the Crediton Town Council office at Market Street, Crediton.
• What do you think should be done about the inconsiderate parking issue? Is it a problem in your area?
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