MAY I take this opportunity to wish all readers in my county division, district and council ward a happy new year.

We have said goodbye to a very dramatic 2022.

It has been a year of extremes, high temperatures and drought, high winds and floods to say nothing of ice and snow.

We seem to be getting over Covid only to find that many of the services on which we depend are now under threat from strikes.

We have seen the death of the Queen and on a personal note the death of my mother at the age of 102.

Let us hope that 2023 brings a more settled and happy life. One thing that it will bring is the elections in May. You will have the opportunity to vote for parish or town councillors and district councillors.

I am sure that you will have heard or read in the media of the national crisis in children’s services where dependence on agency workers means that many councils, which includes Devon, are heavily overspent in this service.

For the last year I have been the vice-chairman of the working group that has looked at the special educational needs provision in the county.

This follows three fairly critical Ofsted reports. The working group has made a number of suggestions that they hope will improve the service.

We are very mindful of the fact that we are dealing with young people’s lives. We are told that the Department of Education is on the case and is looking to help the counties turn around this dramatic situation. I shall keep my toes crossed and you can cross your fingers!

By April we shall all know just how much council tax we have to pay.

Even at this early stage we know that it will be more than last year, possibly considerably more.

People will start to moan and ask “what are we getting for our money?”

I’m afraid that we councillors often get it “in the neck”, this is one of the prices we pay for getting elected.

Our role is to scrutinise the decisions of the executive cabinet and the performance of the officers.

We should not be seen as being “in opposition” but rather as critical friends who represent the concerns that our constituents have.

This is why when the better weather arrives I shall continue with my monthly surgeries in all the parishes of my division.

Once again a very happy New Year to you all.