WITH August over and many people returned from their holidays, there’s a busy month ahead at Crediton Parish Church and the Boniface Centre.

It all starts on Saturday, September 7 when two events take place that you are warmly invited to attend.

In the Boniface Centre from 10am to 1pm, there is one of our popular Craft Fairs where more than 20 local crafters will be selling a variety of lovely items at a variety of prices.

Items for sale include walking sticks, photography landscapes and artwork, driftwood models, textiles and home décor, pyrography, jewellery, needlefelt, knitted and crochet items, cards, handmade soaps, decorated boxes and home-baking.

Do come along and shop early for Christmas or just treat yourself!

Refreshments, free admission and parking at this accessible venue.

There is also time on Saturday, September 7 to visit the Come and Pray Day taking place in Holy Cross Church from 10am to 4pm. 

Please join us in praying for Crediton, the town and its people, the different organisations within it, the church and the world.

The day offers the opportunity to try praying in various ways, through different prayer stations and workshops and to purchase books on prayer.

For more details, please contact Rev Lewis Eden on 01363 779632 or email: [email protected] .

“Come and Pray” is being organised by Rev Lewis Eden, Assistant Curate, who is leaving us after three years to take up the post of Vicar for the White Cross Mission Community in East Devon.

Lewis takes his last service at Holy Cross on Sunday, September 15 and this will be followed by a farewell bring and share lunch in the Boniface Centre.

We wish Lewis and Catherine every happiness for the future as they embark on the next part of their journey together.

Finally on Thursday, September 26 in the Boniface Centre at 7.30pm, Bill Jerman will be repeating (this time for an evening audience) his illustrated talk with slides about the Holy Cross churchyard.

The churchyard contains many interesting graves and other features which people are generally unaware of.

Refreshments served with donations invited to be shared between the Devon Historic Churches Trust and another charity nominated by Sister Act, the church’s group for women.

We do hope to welcome you at one or more of these events.

The church is open every day and we welcome visitors and those who might like to attend any of our services.

On Wednesdays, there is a short service of Holy Communion at 10.30am in the Lady Chapel followed by tea/coffee so if 9.30am on a Sunday isn’t suitable or doesn’t appeal, come and give it a try!

Anne Jerman