ON Bank Holiday Monday, August 26 at 2pm, Sandford will hold its Summer Show in Sandford Parish Hall.

The judges are on standby, the cups are polished and prizes are ready.

The organisers are just waiting to see all the wonderful entries from everyone who has been growing vegetables and flowers, baking, jam making, crafting or taking photographs.

There will be tea and homemade cakes on sale, a plant stall and a prize draw.

There is still opportunity to participate in the competitions with entry forms available to pick up at Sandford Community Stores or request a copy electronically via email to: [email protected] .

Entry forms must be completed and handed into Sandford Community Stores by midday on Friday, August 23.

The last show was held in 2019, coming to an end largely because of Covid.

It has been rebranded from just a flower and produce show to a Summer Show to reflect all the other categories of competition.