Exclusive by Alan Quick
CREEDY Valley Protection Group, which opposes a plan to develop homes in the Creedy Valley, is inviting people to join them on Friday, March 4, to discuss a strategy and formulate objections.
It is due to begin at 7.30pm.
The people of Crediton, Sandford and the area are currently being invited to “have-their-say” about plans for around 330 homes, including affordable housing, a new home for Crediton Rugby Club, community open space and facilities for the elderly within a site allocated in Mid Devon District Council’s Local Plan for 200 homes and other facilities.
The Protection Group describe the plan as a “vast development of urban sprawl...into the beautiful rural Creedy Valley”.
It adds: “CVPG was set up to protect the beautiful Creedy Valley from urbanisation, insensitive and unsustainable development”.
A site for a new primary school has also been suggested within the plan, which has not as yet been formally submitted to the planning authority.
Gleeson Developments is proposing to build what it describes as “much-needed new market and affordable homes on land north of Crediton in Sandford Parish, known as Creedy Bridge”.
The site is in Sandford parish and is north of Old Tiverton Road, Crediton, on land previously known as Pedlarspool.
The proposed development of new homes would enable Gleeson to set aside land for a new home for Crediton Rugby Club, allowing the club to expand and enhance the club’s sporting facilities.
The draft proposals could also include provision for up to five gypsy and traveller pitches, an extra-care facility or a new primary school.
The developers say the site has been identified by Mid Devon District Council as a sustainable location for the delivery of much-needed new homes, which are required to support local population growth and job creation in coming years.
Gleeson Developments Ltd held a well-attended public event at Crediton Rugby Club on Thursday, February 25, where local people had the opportunity to view, comment on and ask questions relating to the development proposal.
A spokesman for the developer told the "Courier": "We’re delighted with the response from the local community to our plans.
"Our event on Thursday, February 25, was well-attended and we spoke to a number of local residents who accept the need for new homes in the town and can see the benefits that development of this site could bring, such as a new site for Crediton Rugby Club.
"The next stage in the process is to consider the helpful feedback from the local community and address any concerns raised, before submitting a planning application to Mid Devon District Council.
"However, we’re very keen to keep listening to the local community over the coming weeks.
"Those who were unable to make it along to the Rugby Club on February 25, can get online, find out more about our plans and leave feedback at: www.creedybridge.com .”
Three proposal options have been suggested by the developers.
• Many people have expressed their opposition to the homes plan - see letters in page 5 of this issue of the "Crediton Courier"
• What do you think of the plan for 330 homes on the edge of Crediton at Creedy Bridge?
Share your views with fellow “Courier” readers.
Write a letter, suitable for publication, to: The Editorial Manager, “Crediton Courier”, 102 High Street, Crediton EX17 3LF or email: [email protected] .