PEOPLE think of Citizens Advice helping people with problems, providing advice and support when they are challenged in their lives. But it doesn’t end there.

A major part of our work concerns Social Policy; raising awareness of injustices in society with the people positioned to effect change to make society fairer.

Because (with our Clients’ consent), we carefully document the problems, contributing factors, actions taken and the outcomes, we have substantial evidence to support our campaigns. 

As we help people work through their problems and resolve them, we see patterns emerging.

We also conduct surveys and analyse the findings, presenting them to influential people who can effect change. 

In our monthly advice columns, we focus on a particular topic, outline the advice we can give pointing people in the direction of further sources of help and information if needed.

This month, we present a broader picture drawing your attention to our Living Standards Report, produced after two years of research with surveys undertaken at local events we have attended. It focuses on the very real issues that constitute what has become known generally as “the cost of living crisis”.

This link will take you to that report which doesn’t just cite statistics, but makes them meaningful, easily understandable and supported by real client stories whose identities have been protected.

Visit: west-devon-2024-living-standards-report/ .

We have just completed our impact reports detailing our achievements between April and September this year and the challenges we face as we continue to help people in our communities.

The above link is included in these reports which have been sent to each of the district councillors in Torridge, North, Mid and West Devon (150), as well as the Council Officers.

It will go to all our local MPs and the link will be included in our next quarterly newsletter, circulated to other interested parties and stakeholders. 

Reading our Living Standards Report, you will get a flavour of the variety of problems people bring to us and hopefully get a broader picture of our work. 

People can access us in many ways all of which are detailed on our website where people can also find useful links to help them. 

To get in touch, visit: .

To continue our work, we constantly need to recruit volunteers. We provide full training and ongoing support.

If you would be interested in getting involved, please take the first step and contact: [email protected] . We would love to hear from you! 

Rosanna Teale


Citizens Advice Torridge, North, Mid and West Devon