WHAT a fantastic fun day of golf we all enjoyed on Saturday, August 17 when the Green Keepers took their revenge!

There were obstructions, hurdles and stumbling blocks all around the course, together with near-impossible pin positions.

But, despite this, some half-decent scores were recorded. 

The competition was a four-man team with two scores to count.

The winners of division one were Evan Rees, Bryan Evans, Paul Douglas and Mike Hubbard with 76 points.

In second were Richard McFarlane, Steve Rice, Chris Pike and Kevin Perryman with 73 points.

In third were James Weller, Chris Back, Matt Soby and Dave Chammings, also with 73 points. 

Division two was won by Dave Stallion, Nick Reilly, Jim Murray and Chris Walsh with 77 points.

Steve Penna, Reggie Wonnacott, Frank Nowell and Billy Salter were second with 71 points. David and Sue Stanbury and Richard and Clare Salter were third with 68 points.

Many thanks to our “devious” Green Keepers. 

The ladies President’s team, caddies and supporters travelled to Churston Golf Club on Friday to play in the quarter finals of the President’s Trophy. 

They were up against the ladies from Thurlestone but managed a 5-2 victory and will now go on to play in the semi-finals which will be held at Ilfracombe.