NORTH Tawton Amateur Football Club has issued a statement to confirm that it has acquired the football pitch on which it has played for many years.

Last August the club issued an urgent appeal to raise £60,000 to buy the ground.

The club was given until December 2017 to raise the money to buy the football field which had been put up for sale by the Arthur Bale estate, Mr Bale until he passed away having been a long-time supporter of the club.

In August 2017 Jane Simons, club secretary, told the "Courier": “As some of you are probably aware, the football field is going to be for sale and we need to try and raise the funds to enable us to buy it for the future of the club.

“At the moment we have a number of youth teams, Under Seven’s, Under Nine’s, Under 10’s, Under 12’s and Under 14’s, the main team which plays in Devon and Exeter League Division Four and a Veterans team which plays in Division One.

“This involves more than 120 players and the ground is a hive of activity for training every Saturday morning and for matches.

“We have been given the price of £60,000 to raise until December 2017.

“One of the problems we have come across is that there are many grants available but you can’t apply for them unless you own your own pitch."

North Tawton AFC Committee in its statement announced this month, said: "We are very pleased to update you all that after a year of hard work we can finally confirm that we are now the proud owners of The Wordens Football Field.

"We would like to take this opportunity to thank all the members of our club and community who donated towards this cause and especially for the grants received from West Devon Borough Council and The Durant Trust.

"Thanks to Ashfords solicitors for all their work and legal advice.

"We would also like to thank The Den Brook Community Fund for its grant towards our new mower enabling us to keep our pitches in tip top condition.

"Many thanks once again and we plan to hold an open day in the New Year to mark this occasion."