COPPLESTONE United Football Club held a Coaches Vs Parents event on Saturday, June 15, to raise money for new facilities at the home pitch and for new equipment.

The Coaches were the winners.
The Coaches were the winners. (Copplestone United)

Natalie Pitts Chandler explained: “The day was a great success!

Some of the Copplestone United FC players.
Some of the Copplestone United FC players. (Copplestone United)

“We had a fantastic turnout and £2,995 was raised.

Young helpers on the day.
Young helpers on the day. (Copplestone United)

“We’d like to say thank you to everyone who helped make the day run so smoothly and worked so hard organising the event. 

During the match.
During the match. (Copplestone United)

“The Coaches were the winners v the Parents, 3-1.” 

During the Parents v Coaches match.
During the Parents v Coaches match. (Copplestone United)