AS 14 million children and adults prepare to kick off the grassroots football season and excitement is still high following this summer’s tournament, hopes are high for the footballing future of the home nations but a new report from M&S Food shows that changes will need to be made to grow on current success. 

The new report is inspired by its “Eat Well, Play Well” partnerships with the home nation’s FAs and it reveals a growing division between the health and fitness of our footballing heroes and the public.

While professional footballers have the ability to  run up to 14 kilometres per match over a 60-game season, public health paints a very different picture. 

Poor nutrition is also having an impact on the development of children, British five-year-olds are up to seven centimetres shorter than children the same age across Europe, while height differences are also notable between affluent and deprived areas of the country.

To explore the issues, new research was commissioned alongside interviews with current and former footballers, elite football nutritionists and chefs, with the aim of levelling the playing field by using the power of football to create a healthier future for UK families. 

The “Eat Well, Play Well Report’ reveals that only one in five (20 per cent) feel they have a consistently healthy relationship with food and 19 per cent admit they lack the confidence in their knowledge to make healthy and balanced food choices. 

Challenging food habits? 

This lack of knowledge has contributed to unstructured eating habits, with more than a quarter of UK adults (26 per cent) admitting they skip lunch and a fifth (22 per cent) skipping breakfast at least once a month. 

Fast food is another issue - a fifth of those surveyed (20 per cent) say their household requests a takeaway at least once a week.

Research shows we find it hardest to eat well in the evening, with dinner and evening snacks the most common periods in which people consume unhealthy food. 

Cooking skills are also varied and are hindering the ability of some families to eat well. 

With the cost of living affecting us all, it’s unsurprising that more than one in four (27 per cent) say it is too expensive to buy healthy food all the time and 15 per cent find it difficult to find healthy food on their budgets. 

But it’s not all bad news. Two-thirds (66 per cent) of the nation believe they eat a healthy and balanced diet.

The research also revealed an appreciation and understanding of the positive impact of healthy foods and drinks on sporting performance. 

However, just one in five (19 per cent) say they eat a healthy balanced meal before exercise, with that number rising to 27 per cent for those who play football. 

Those playing football are more likely to opt for a “cheat meal” post-match compared to those exercising in general. 

Interestingly, when it comes to varying portion sizes depending on how active their lifestyle is, men seem to be less flexible compared to women. 

The research also revealed that almost nine in 10 (89 per cent) believe exercise has at least some positive impact on their mental health. 

Eating a healthy and balanced diet seems to have a positive effect on a person’s general energy levels, improves mood, raises self-esteem and can even increases productivity at work. 

Jermaine Jenas, former England international, broadcaster and football pundit noted: “When I was growing up, all I wanted to do was play football. 

“I didn’t want to sit at the dinner table and somehow I survived on four bowls of cereal a day, in between playing football with my friends. 

“But as my career progressed and as football nutrition became a focus, I quickly learned how eating well was the key to playing well. 

“There’s a real connection between plate and pitch. 

“And it's not just about your performance in a match, it's about living a healthier and fulfilling life. 

“The new report shows that people have the desire to eat healthier but not necessarily all the information or support to do so. 

“Through the power of football, hopefully we can inspire the nation to make healthier choices, one meal at a time.”