MORCHARD Bishop Bowling Club President, Richard Tapp, opened the green to begin the season on a hot and sunny afternoon on Saturday, April 20.
He thanked the greenkeepers, those who prepared the refreshments and proceeded to surprise the chairman, Edwin Hutchings with the award of a Life Membership.
His charity of the year was announced as Parkinson’s UK.

In May 2024, the Club will celebrate the 40th anniversary of the opening of the green.
Members enjoyed playing on the green, which looked to be in an excellent condition despite recent heavy rainfall.
The club welcomes new members and details can be found on the Bowls Devon website at: .
Club Chairman is Edwin Hutchings, Secretary is Steph Warren, Treasurer is Stephen Leese, Club Captain is Brian Poole with Steph Warren the Ladies Captain and Rob Warren Men’s Captain. Fixtures Secretary is Frances Clement and Ladies Fixtures Secretary is Frances Clement.