PETE Cookson and Anne Sullivan Saturday, August 24, defeated seven other couples to take the Mixed Pairs Title at Crediton Bowling Club.

Three mini games of seven ends were played with the winners being those who had scored the greatest number of shots.

A shared tea followed which for once Anne did not have to prepare.

She and Pam Swan have done a magnificent job throughout the season organising all the necessary ingredients for the numerous teas, cups of coffee and biscuits that are needed for the fixtures. Both are warmly thanked for all their hard work.

August Bank Holiday Sunday saw the traditional Men’s v Ladies fixture.

Twenty players a side made five rinks each and it was pleasing to see so many playing who had only joined the Club in the last year or so.

Pitching men against ladies possibly meant playing husband against wife but the overall afternoon proved to be a closer event than maybe some had thought.

The Men triumphed by three rinks to two and it was Mike Canning’s privilege as the Men’s Captain to award the Ladies Captain, Shuana Miles, with the “Stirrer Trophy” shaped in a large wooden spoon.

The Over 60s B team did themselves a massive favour in the hunt for promotion from Division 4 by defeating their closest rivals Ottery Buzzards by 8-0.

Ottery still have champions elect Wellington to play so it really is in the B teams own hands as they finish their season against the bottom two sides. The A team beat Topsham Blue by 6-2 while the C team had an afternoon to forget losing 8-0 to Topsham White.

There have been three victories by the friendly side against Marldon, Culm Vale and Uffculme. This will be a quiet week for those that play midweek as all are preparing for a tour to the Isle of Wight.

Fixtures will be played at Shanklin, Cowes and Ventnor, with one being played at Greenhills, Weymouth on the way home.

This weekend sees the finals of all the individual competitions played throughout the season.

On the Saturday, starting at 10.30am, there will be Men’s and Ladies Handicap, Non Cup, 3 Woods and 2 Woods. On the Sunday, also at 10.30am, is the Men’s and Ladies Championship.

Hopefully the weather will be set fair and some quality bowling will be on show for all to see.

Mike Canning