A FUNDRAISER has been launched to help with maintenance costs for the swimming pool at Bow Community Primary School. 

Bow Swimming Pool Management Committee has raised £130 so far and hopes to collect £1,000. 

Built almost three decades ago, the pool is also used by the public and available for private hire. 

“The swimming pool has enormous benefits to the pupils at school,” a Bow Swimming Pool Management Committee spokesperson said. 

“Not only do children leave Bow Community Primary School confident and able to swim in the water, but they learn essential lifesaving skills too. 

“The pool was built in 1995, with the committee and people from the local community working very hard to raise the funds to make it possible.  

“The pool is run by a team of volunteers... who work tirelessly to keep the pool running and ready for the summer months of swimming sessions. 

“This year we are opening regularly throughout the summer holidays providing public swims and private hires for the local families and visitors to Bow and surrounding areas. 

“Our small group of committee members give their time voluntarily to keep up the pool checks, cleaning, administration and supervision of the public swims. 

“We fundraise for running costs of utilities, chemicals, training and paying lifeguards. 

“We are asking for donations to our pool through our crowdfunding page for help with ongoing maintenance and service costs for the pump room equipment. 

“However big or small a donation, we would be extremely grateful.” 

You can donate online here: justgiving.com/crowdfunding/lucy-deasy-2