THE Royal British Legion will once again be observing two minutes silence on Armistice Day, which this year will be held on Saturday, November 11.

This is a mark of respect and acknowledgement for the sacrifices made by others in order that we may enjoy the benefits of freedom in a democratic society. 

Mid Devon District Council is pleased to join with representatives from the Royal British Legion in Crediton, Cullompton and Tiverton and to encourage people in the community to show their respect in observing the two-minute silence.

The following arrangements have been made in Crediton: The Vice Chairman of the Council, Councillor Gwen DuChesne MBE, together with the Mayor of Crediton, representatives from Crediton Hamlets Parish Council and representatives of the Royal British Legion will join together to observe the two minutes silence at 11am at the War Memorial in the High Street. Councillor DuChesne MBE will make the appropriate announcement before the start of the silence. 

Maroons will be set off at the commencement and end of the silence.

As a representative for the Council, the Chairman, Councillor Frank Letch MBE will place a wreath on a 'poppy train' to London at Tiverton Parkway Railway Station on the morning of Friday, November 10 as part of GWR's Poppies to Paddington.

Communities from across the Great Western network are being represented in their annual service of remembrance with all wreaths carefully carried to London and placed at the war memorial on platform two, creating a display of remembrance for all the communities served by GWR Intercity trains.