RAISING funds towards buying a number of new laptops for each class, Yeoford School PTFA held its Christmas Fayre in the village Community Hall on Saturday, December 16, also raising funds for Holy Trinity Church in the village.

The church was running the catering that included bacon butties, sausage rolls and mince pies plus teas and coffees.

Several stalls were full of toys that children had been turning out with others of local handcrafted gift ideas such as Harebelles carpet freshener, Mandy Brooks from Hittisleigh who makes decorations from the folded pages of books or little cottages using her husband’s offcuts of wood.
Raising funds towards his trip in 2025 to Kenya with Camps International was 14 years-old Harry Quinnell. He needs to raise £4,790 and will be seriously fundraising in 2024.
While in Kenya, Harry will be working with a range of projects helping to support education, wildlife and community development in rural communities (living and working alongside local people, learning about the challenges faced by them, and helping with projects such as tree planting, animal de-worming, helping to build facilities, constructing elephant deterrent fences and helping with projects to aid income generation for communities).
He is looking for local businesses to sponsor him to include their business logos on a t-shirt which he will wear while doing community project work in Kenya and at fundraising activities.
He would provide businesses with copies of photos for their use – he will also be updating his gofundme page for businesses to follow and will keep his sponsors updated.

Harry thought that this was a great way for businesses to show they are supporting young adults doing amazing things!
He has been emailing lots of local businesses and has already very kindly been sponsored by Isca Recruitment.
Other stalls included jewellery, knitwear, and Father Christmas in his decorated grotto. He stayed for a couple of hours and was a popular visitor.

There was also activities for children such as decorating biscuits. Fundraising by the school has included a Hallowe’en disco and some markets at the school.