CREDITON residents are advised that they are able to visit an exhibition and drop-in about the Crediton Town Masterplan this afternoon, Wednesday, February 21, from 4pm to 7pm in the Boniface Centre.
Bold and thought-provoking suggestions on how Crediton could be improved for the future are included in a draft plan, the Crediton Town Masterplan, which is currently in a consultation period.
Mid Devon District Council (MDDC) plans to support the town centre of Crediton through multiple projects as part of a new town centre Masterplan.
As part of this, the Council is looking to enhance the public realm, streets and spaces, to make Crediton more attractive for residents, businesses and tourists.
Some of the suggestions, some of which may not make the final draft but which are more aspirational, could be seen at a public exhibition held at the Boniface Centre in Crediton on Wednesday, January 17, and this can be seen again today, February 21.
LHC and Timms Consulting Ltd has been working with Mid Devon District Council, carrying out initial consultation throughout the Summer and Autumn of 2023, to produce the draft town centre Masterplan.
The Masterplan sets out a series of themes which identify and outline potential projects to support the future evolution of Crediton town centre.
MDDC says it values the input from the public about the Crediton Masterplan.

It says that this second public session will build on previous consultation work.
The public is being asked to help finalise this draft plan, which will enable it to be adopted by Mid Devon District Council in mid-2024.
The consultation on this draft plan will run until Monday, February 26.
Those who were unable to attend the consultation can view the information boards at Crediton Town Council Offices.
There will also be opportunities to comment online via Mid Devon District Council’s Community Hub: and via paper copies if required.
The final plan will be adopted as a supplementary planning document and it will be a material consideration in determining planning applications.
The aim of this masterplan is to provide a clear strategy ensuring that Crediton Town centre meets its full potential as an attractive, vibrant, and sustainable place with a strong economic function, now and into the future.
The role of the masterplan is to provide principles and strategies that bring together the design and future delivery of development, public realm improvements, green infrastructure, and active travel and transport projects in Crediton.

Key issues the Masterplan is seeking to address include:
The change role of the town centre and needs of rural communities.
Air Quality.
Economic Diversification.
Protecting Crediton’s Heritage and Character.
Growing Sustainability and Addressing the Climate Emergency.
Affordable Housing and Community Infrastructure.
1 Support redevelopment that maximises economic benefit within the town centre.
2 Enhance the quality and character of the High Street and public realm within the town centre area.
3 Support active travel and improve public transport infrastructure.
4 Enhance recreational and natural green spaces and introduce Urban Greening.
5 Improve the community infrastructure within the town centre.
6 Create new town centre gateways and improve legibility.
7 Improve safety within the town centre.
There are a series of projects proposed including Newcombes Meadow enhancements, St Lawrence Green Enhancements, High Street Urban Greening and Green Routes.
Suggestions include a more welcoming and well connected Crediton. Others suggest enhancing Crediton Railway Station, an improved Park and Ride plus a cycle and walking route from the Railway Station to the town centre.
Newcombes Meadow Enhancement includes ideas such as a New Hub with a viewing gallery with toilets and a cafe near Crediton War Memorial.
High Street Urban Greening ideas include:
Introduction of Living Pillars that can be retrofitted to existing lighting columns.
Green Wall Installation.
Street Tree Planting.
Raised planters and or Parklets.
Rain Gardens.
Ideas include safer and pedestrian focussed streets that support activity and local businesses, safer pedestrian crossing points, side-street crossing points, street tree and planting, wider footways, new cycle and public transport infrastructure and street furniture.
Wayfinding, such as new signage and public art while also celebrating historic alleyways and courtyards is suggested.
Several new neighbourhoods are planned, some on brownfield land, which would provide 786 new dwellings and increase the population of Crediton.
EV charing points are suggested for the High Street as are water drinking fountains, better and new road crossings, perhaps solar car park canopies within the High Street car park.
Free WiFi and an in-ground power supply are suggested for Crediton Town Square, as is increasing market use of the square, installation of a water fountain and an improved surface.
Improvements to Jockey Hill roundabout, a new pedestrian crossing near the War Memorial, enhanced walking and cycling routes are also suggested.
Adrian Welsh, Group Manager Growth, Economy and Delivery at Mid Devon District Council, said that the Masterplan will be a collective product going to Mid Devon District Council Cabinet after the consultation period ends on February 26.
He said that the views of the Town Council, an assessment of the comments made during the consultation and bearing in mind other documents such as studies of air quality, traffic, the Neighbourhood Plan and other plans, and views of the Highways Department and others will be involved in the process.
He emphasised that the public’s comments and feedback will help shape the document.
Speaking at the consultation, some of those present said that they believed the Masterplan process was a catalyst for discussions going beyond the plan.
While it was admitted that there would not be funding for all of the suggestions, it was understood that it was aspirational and it is expected that some could be achieved without excessive funding, probably depending on a delivery plan and further detailed design.
It was noted that some of the suggestions had the potential to revamp the look of Crediton for the community and tourists.
To view the masterplan and find the questionnaire, visit: .
• What do you think of the suggestions in the Crediton Town Masterplan draft?
Write a letter to: The Editorial Manager, Crediton Courier, 102 High Street, Crediton EX17 3LF.
Alternatively email, with your name and address, to: [email protected] .