AT the June meeting of Sandford Parish Council it was agreed to co-opt Dave Hope and Brain Fyfe (Upton Hellions) to the Parish Council. This means there are still two vacant parish council seats to be filled by co-option.
Eligible parishioners wishing to be considered for being co-opted to the parish council should write a letter expressing their interest and setting out why they feel they should be considered.
Please send your letter to Malcolm Vallance, (Parish Clerk), Myrtle Cottage, Sandford or email: [email protected] . The closing date for nominations is July 3.?The Parish Comment Book contained the usual comments regarding Parking in the Square. The Parish Council felt on the whole that this was now proving a success with the Civil Parking Enforcement Officers regularly visiting the village.?A suggestion was made to erect parking signs in the Square, and the top of Rose and Crown Hill, directing drivers to the Creedy View car park. The clerk agreed to make enquiries about possible signs.?A comment had been made about “Double Parking” in the Square. It was pointed that that both the issue of double and triple parking had previously been discussed with the Community Policeman, who had been unable to assist.?It was agreed to take this matter up with Devon County Council Highways as to whether this was something that could be enforced by the Civil Parking Enforcement Officers on their regular visits to Sandford as these vehicles potentially caused issues for emergency vehicles accessing Sandford Square.?Dartline had responded to the comments on the 10.08am 369 bus service regularly being late. They pointed out that the gas works on the A377 did impact on the bus times.?It was pointed out that these works had now been completed and the 10.08am service was, once again, turning up on time apart from any days it encountered problems on the road from Morchard Bishop.?The council agreed to recommend approval of a planning application by Sandford School for the erection of an outdoor learning centre.
It was agreed to ask for a timetable for its erection bearing in mind that any deliveries would impact on traffic using Fanny’s Lane.?Richard Ward had replied to the points raised about shop opening hours.
He said: “The shop is closed because the Post Office only has one till and is required to be closed when the PO money is counted.
“It is a security requirement of the PO. The count takes place on Wednesday afternoon.
“With regard to Bank Holidays – to make the shop viable for the amount of trade generated by opening for two hours on a Sunday we need volunteers to staff the shop. The same would be true for Bank Holidays.
“I therefore suggest that whoever made the comment and its supporters should contact me if they would like to become a volunteer, perhaps then we could make it happen.
“While I’m on the subject we are also after a volunteer to help sort the newspapers each morning – if anyone is able to give up some time at 7am each morning I’d be very keen to hear from them.”
Age Cartlidge had sent an email to advise that at the recent Sandford AFC AGM he had stood down after eight years as manager and chairman, and his place would be taken by Adam Voisey.?It was agreed to write to Age (and Lynn) thanking them for all their support and help during the last eight years, which had culminated in the new Sandford Community Sports Pavilion.?Cllr Nick Unstead advised that the New Buildings noticeboard was in need of replacement and comment was also made of its dangerous location.
A suggestion was made to move the noticeboard to the New Buildings call box and Cllr Unstead agreed to make enquiries.?The clerk reported that the refurbishment of the Play Area, and erection of two new pieces of play equipment, would commence (weather permitting) from June 24 and last for two weeks.
The next Parish Council Meeting will take place at 7.30pm on July 4 at the Sandford Community Sports Pavilion.