STRIPY tops and pieces of eight were in evidence at Landscore Primary School in Crediton on Wednesday, February 5 as Key Stage 1 held a Pirate Day.
The pupils have been studying pirates this half-term and Pirate Day was a celebration of this work and a chance to share it with their families in an open afternoon.
Pupils dressed up and had all their lessons themed around pirates for the day, climbing the rigging in PE, making pirate hats following instructions and they learnt a pirate song and dance which was performed in the afternoon.
After lunch family members joined the children, having the chance to look at the work completed this term including their paper maché treasure islands.
Adults and children were then sent off on a treasure hunt around the school to find hidden letters which would spell out a word to access the treasure at the end of the day.
They then had to crack a code to decipher a message from the Captain of the Golden Hind.
The pupils are looking forward to visiting the Golden Hind in Brixham next week on a school trip.
Before leaving adults and children were rewarded with a share of chocolatey treasure.
The pupils all had a swashbuckling time but decided to remain as landlubbers!