AFTER the intense activity of Advent and Christmas, there is still plenty happening at Crediton Parish Church with the move through Epiphany, Candlemas and beyond.
Epiphany means hope and joyful revelation.
The Wise Men followed the star, the light of Hope until they found Jesus.
We too, today, need to follow the light of Hope that God has given us through Jesus.
Come and explore this at our Epiphany Carol Service on Sunday, January 22 at 6pm.
This season in the Church’s calendar ends with the celebration of Candlemas on February 2 when, traditionally, candles were lit.
This Christian festival commemorates the presentation of Jesus at the Temple of Jerusalem when Jesus was offered to His Father and revealed as the future Saviour of all people.
You are invited to join us at Choral Evensong for Candlemas on Sunday, February 5 at 6pm.
Then before we know it, the season of Lent begins, lasting from Ash Wednesday (when there is a special service at 7.30pm on February 22) until Easter Eve.
It’s a time of self-examination, penitence, self-denial, study, and preparation for Easter.
Most of us have heard about “giving something up” for Lent - cake and chocolate often being the favourite!
On the first Sunday of each month, the 9.30am service is held in the Boniface Centre. This is a shorter informal service without communion.
There are songs, a talk and a time of prayer in a relaxed atmosphere with the accompaniment provided by our band of musicians. Refreshments follow the service in this accessible venue with the content of the service projected “on screen”. Come and give it a try!
Together with the World Day of Prayer on Friday, March 3 (2pm at St Boniface Roman Catholic Church) and a concert by the Devon and Somerset Fire and Rescue Band at 7.30pm on Saturday, March 18 in Holy Cross, there’s certainly lots happening in the coming weeks.
Finally, some years ago, the late Ed Rossmiller, who was a talented photographer, hired a helicopter to take an aerial photograph of the church.
There was a limited edition print run of the photograph and we still have quite a few copies that we would like to offer free to anyone interested.
Please contact me on 01363 772865 if you would like one of the photographs which is 38cm by 25cm including the border.
Anne Jerman