SOUTH West Water is urging visitors to the region to save water this summer. 

It said the additional daily pressure on the region’s water demand goes up by 33,000,000 litres in August alone when more than 1,700,000 tourists come to Devon and Cornwall. 

This is the same amount of water use it would take to supply an additional town the size of Torquay each day. 

“We see our population increase dramatically over the summer months and we are asking visitors to support us all by being careful with their water use,” South West Water Head of Customer Communications Dani Twelvetree said. 

“Climate change is making weather patterns less predictable.  

“Heatwaves and droughts are becoming more frequent and we need to make sure there’s a reliable supply of drinking water for everyone in the region throughout the year, especially if there is a long, dry spell.” 

Reservoir levels are in a better position this year at 80 per cent capacity, compared to 67 per cent this time last year. 

The water company has prepared some tips for tourists to save water this summer. 

They include not washing bedding and towels every day, only running the washing machine on a full load and using the eco setting, letting hosts know about leaky pipes and taps, and using the small flush on dual flush toilets. 

South West Water said it plans to boost water resources in Cornwall by around 45 per cent and by around 30 per cent in Devon by 2025.