THE Thornes Farm Shop team at Stockleigh Pomeroy decided that they needed to take action and do their bit for this amazing planet, so they set about searching for a solution to cut down on their plastic usage.

Their efforts to help reduce single-use plastic will hopefully make a difference, it may be a small one, but if we each did our bit it would make a massive difference to our world, and for future generations.

Wholefood hoppers have been installed at the shop and are filled with all your general store cupboard essentials from rice, flour, pasta, seeds, nuts and plenty of dried fruit.

Staff will be sourcing some sweet treats to go in them too.

Customers are encouraged to take along their own containers, but if they forget, Thornes can supply recycled brown paper bags, which will do the job.

Thornes Farm Shop is open Monday to Saturday, from 9am until 5pm.

If you are unsure of what to do then just ask one of the members of the team at Thornes.