THE League of Friends of Redlands Surgery held its Annual General Meeting at the Surgery on Wednesday, June 28.
There were a number of members of the public present, who were able to hear reports from the various officers of the committee, as well as a summary of future intentions by one of the partners.
Public members were able to ask questions, which were frankly answered.
The Committee was re-elected en bloc, with a new Vice Chairman – Paddy Dornom – appointed.
Future events include an open garden visit to the home of Bert and Margaret Jewell at 4 Golden Joy, off Longmeadows, EX17 1EA on Sunday, July 23.
This will be held from 2pm until 5pm. There will be no entry charge, but donations would be welcome!
Afternoon tea will be available together with a raffle.
There will be a further Meat Bingo evening at the Football Club on September 20, eyes down at 7.30pm.
A quiz will be held at the Football Club on Friday, October 20 at 7.30pm. Details nearer the time.
The coach trip to Cardiff will be on Tuesday, October 24, the price £15 per person.
David Dornom