MID Devon District Council planning applications received for week ending January 8 included:

(All applications are subject to a 21 day period for receipt of representations unless otherwise stated).


Mr Terrance Bridgman, Dymonds Meadow, Bow. Erection of a lean-to extension to provide storage for vintage tractors at Central Garage Workshop, Bow.


Ms Sue Foster, Gollick Park Farm, Battle Street. Variation of Conditions 2 and 4 of planning permission 06/02646/FULL (Conversion of agricultural buildings into two live/work units and erection of domestic garage block) to allow substitute plans relating to alterations of internal and external layouts and relocation of workspace areas.


Mrs C Down, Upton Barn, Upton Farm. Erection of a raised balcony for use as outdoor bar, kitchen and seating area at land and buildings at NGR 303034 106484 Upton Barn.


Mr Gamlin, Eastwood Farm, Shillingford. Listed Building Consent for the conversion of outbuilding to ancillary accommodation at building at NGR 298055 124729 (Eastwood Farm). Also Listed Building Consent for above.


Mr D Munday, Messes Munday, Town Barton, Sandford. Erection of a roof over existing second cut silage clamp at land and buildings at NGR 282322 102240 Town Barton.

Mr D Munday, Messrs Munday, Town Barton, Sandford. Erection of a roof over existing first cut silage pit at land and buildings at NGR 282315 102370 Town Barton.


K Povey, 66 Queen Elizabeth Drive, Crediton. Certificate of Lawfulness for the existing use of dwelling and associated garden in breach of Condition 6 (commercial use) of planning permission 07/01399/FULL and Condition 5 (commercial use) of planning permission 08/01059/FULL for a period in excess of 10 years at Little Emlett Orchard, Black Dog.

To see more public notices and planning applications, visit: publicnoticeportal.uk.