WHEN a community pulls together it can achieve something special, and that is what happened when Coldridge staged its bi-annual Fete, Vintage Rally, Flower Festival and Dog Show.

The bellringers from Zeal Monachorum and Winkleigh who rang the church bells before the fete began.  AQ 6181
The bellringers from Zeal Monachorum and Winkleigh who rang the church bells before the fete began. AQ 6181 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

More than 80 volunteers worked hard to make the event a huge success, certainly the best to-date.

Films was the theme of the flowers festival and this was ‘The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party’ by Coldridge Toddler Group.  AQ 6192
Films was the theme of the flowers festival and this was ‘The Mad Hatter’s Tea Party’ by Coldridge Toddler Group. AQ 6192 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

The Champion dog was purebred working cocker spaniel Otto owned by Marie Reynolds of Coldridge, exhibited by Mr Reynolds, with second, Golden Shepherd ‘Cyan’ owned by Michelle Gillies of North Tawton.  Judge was Sara Thurgood of Lapford dog club, pictured with the dog show steward.  AQ 6477
The Champion dog was purebred working cocker spaniel Otto owned by Marie Reynolds of Coldridge, exhibited by Mr Reynolds, with second, Golden Shepherd ‘Cyan’ owned by Michelle Gillies of North Tawton. Judge was Sara Thurgood of Lapford dog club, pictured with the dog show steward. AQ 6477 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

Rob Pudner of Entertainingly Different entertained at the Fete.  AQ 6379
Rob Pudner of Entertainingly Different entertained at the Fete. AQ 6379 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

Some of Copplestone Community Choir which sang at the Fete.  AQ 6363
Some of Copplestone Community Choir which sang at the Fete. AQ 6363 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

Guests of Honour John and Jo Dike officially opened the fete and there was an impressive display of vintage tractors, classic cars, children’s entertainment with Rob Pudner from Entertaingly Different, local bands and singers, alpacas, birds of prey, many stalls, children’s games, a busy dog show and an impressive flower festival in the church.

During the grand parade of vintage cars.  AQ 6390
During the grand parade of vintage cars. AQ 6390 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

A large refreshments tent was busy all day and into the evening.

John and Jo Dyke, centre, guests who opened the Fete with some of the Fete Committee and chairman, Ivan Kriznik, right.  AQ 6214
John and Jo Dyke, centre, guests who opened the Fete with some of the Fete Committee and chairman, Ivan Kriznik, right. AQ 6214 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

Claire Carpenter and Ian Taylor are pictured with alpacas which live in the village.  AQ 6258
Claire Carpenter and Ian Taylor are pictured with alpacas which live in the village. AQ 6258 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
The cake stall was kept busy.  AQ 6226
The cake stall was kept busy. AQ 6226 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

The Coldridge Turner, Trevor Mackown, has been a hobbyist woodturner for 30 years.  AQ 6264
The Coldridge Turner, Trevor Mackown, has been a hobbyist woodturner for 30 years. AQ 6264 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
Louie Evans (9), enjoyed meeting a barn owl from North Devon Hawk Walks.  AQ 6236
Louie Evans (9), enjoyed meeting a barn owl from North Devon Hawk Walks. AQ 6236 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

The busy refreshment tent.  AQ 6317
The busy refreshment tent. AQ 6317 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
Tom Sanders makes bug hotels and other items and these were for sale.  AQ 6294
Tom Sanders makes bug hotels and other items and these were for sale. AQ 6294 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
Daphne Pottle demonstrated Honiton Lace making at the fete.  AQ 6223
Daphne Pottle demonstrated Honiton Lace making at the fete. AQ 6223 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
A lovely Morgan car was one of the exhibits on display.  AQ 6268
A lovely Morgan car was one of the exhibits on display. AQ 6268 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

The weather was perfect and fantastic views across Mid Devon were an added bonus.

During the tractor parade.  AQ 6439
During the tractor parade. AQ 6439 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
Vintage tractor owners were given a brass plaque to thank them for attending.  AQ 6422
Vintage tractor owners were given a brass plaque to thank them for attending. AQ 6422 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
Eggesford Foxhounds were admired in the main ring.  AQ 6367
Eggesford Foxhounds were admired in the main ring. AQ 6367 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
Musician entertaining at Coldridge Fete.  AQ 6336
Musician entertaining at Coldridge Fete. AQ 6336 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

Carol and Ian White took along their Hornsby Portable 1913 Lamp Start Paraffin Engine.  AQ 6284
(Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

Ivan Kriznik, Fete Committee Chair, thanked all who helped to make it such a huge success.

Exeter Street Band entertained in the main ring.  AQ 6202
Exeter Street Band entertained in the main ring. AQ 6202 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
The cake stall was kept busy.  AQ 6226
The cake stall was kept busy. AQ 6226 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)
‘The Railway Children’ by Sue Lawrence and Marion Webber.  AQ 6199
‘The Railway Children’ by Sue Lawrence and Marion Webber. AQ 6199 (Alan Quick, Crediton Courier)

He said that everyone pulled together and he hoped a good sum had been raised towards Coldridge Village Hall and St Matthew’s Church Fabric Fund.