A SUMMER Opera evening held mid June at Downes, Crediton, was a joint fundraising concert for Exeter Leukaemia Fund (ELF) and Crediton Parish Church Music Endowment Fund.

Crediton Town Band.
Crediton Town Band. (Peter Brewer)

The audience on the lawn at Downes.
The audience on the lawn at Downes. (Peter Brewer)

More than 170 people enjoyed the concert and went along with picnics, chairs, rugs and umbrellas.

On the evening no rain fell during the musical performances, and only as a shower in the interval which ended in a most spectacular double rainbow.

Robin Thomas, Trustee, Crediton Parish Church Music Endowment Fund, expressed his thanks to Henry and Susan Parker for their hospitality.

Henry and Susan Parker with Claire and Ian Barnard.
Henry and Susan Parker with Claire and Ian Barnard. (Peter Brewer)

He continued: “Thank you also to the performers from both Crediton Town Band and Staircase Opera for providing us with a wide range of most enjoyable music throughout the evening.

“Thanks to OCM Events and Jo Ward for providing us with the highest quality all-round sound amplification and some excellent lighting.

At the Summer Opera, from left, Erik Salomonsen, Molly Southwood, Robin Thomas and David Charlesworth.
At the Summer Opera, from left, Erik Salomonsen, Molly Southwood, Robin Thomas and David Charlesworth. (Peter Brewer)

“My thanks to Diana and Joseph from St John Ambulance for providing First Aid cover.

“We must thank our sponsors who took advertisements in the programme and to all those who donated raffle prizes.

At the Summer Opera, from left, Molly Southwood (ELF) and Penny Pearkes, from the Music Foundation on the Box Office.
At the Summer Opera, from left, Molly Southwood (ELF) and Penny Pearkes, from the Music Foundation on the Box Office. (Peter Brewer)

The ELF volunteers at the Summer Opera.
The ELF volunteers at the Summer Opera. (Peter Brewer)

“Thank you to trustees and volunteers from both charities for the help in arranging this event and for their invaluable help stewarding, selling tickets, running the bar and selling strawberries and cream and raffle tickets.

“I am delighted to be able to report that after paying all expenses a total of £3,213.76 has been made from this event to be shared equally between the two charities.”