A TALK on stained glass by local firms is coming up at Bow and District Historical Society’s next meeting. 

David Cook will be giving the talk at St Bartholomew’s Church at Nymet Tracey on Monday, June 24 at 7.30pm. 

"For many years David has been researching the stained glass of Devon between 1800 and 1939,” a Bow and District Historical Society spokesperson said. 

“His talk will be illustrated with a backdrop of Victorian examples in St Bartholomew’s. 

“The church is about a mile from Bow village, postcode EX17 6DB, and the original was built by Sir William de Tracey as a penance for involvement in the murder of St Thomas a Becket.  

“It has a number of other interesting features which can be enjoyed.” 

All are welcome to the talk. It costs £4 for visitors and is free for members.  

There is limited parking, so organisers are urging people to share transport where possible. 

For more information, telephone 01363 82468.