BY the time this letter appears in the Courier, the "Community Information Evening" at Morchard Bishop Memorial Hall will have passed but will no doubt have been conducted in the usual manner of the snake-oil salesmen of the renewable energy industry. Lightsource Renewable Energy claim that the proposal will generate 5MWp. This is a downright misrepresentation. This level of generation will be rarely possible and will only happen in the height of summer and in the middle of a sunny day. The fact is that solar farms, on average, will only generate around 10 per cent of the plated output with more electricity being generated during the hours of daylight when electricity usage is relatively low and absolutely nothing at all in the darkness of cold winter evenings when there is the most demand. The claim is also made that sheep, chickens and geese will be able to graze the land. My sympathies are with the animals and birds here. There'll be precious little grass of the poorest quality available for grazing. The spacing between the solar panels is there to prevent one row of solar panels from overshadowing the next. The land under and behind the panels will be deliberately deprived of light in the vain hope of generating some electricity and with the absolute certainty of filling the pockets of the developers via the subsidies, which are added to fuel bills thereby dragging many into fuel poverty. Any responsible farmer wishing to cash in on the renewables scam would be far better advised to cover his barn roofs with solar panels and to keep his land for food production. Roland Smith Pitt Court Nymet Rowland
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