CHAIRMAN Jim Stephens reported that the Celebration for the 125th Anniversary of Sandford Parish Council had gone off well. Thanks were proposed to Cllr Shuana Miles and the Parish Clerk Malcolm Vallance for their input and to Karen Stephens for making the cake.

Congratulations had been received from Mel Stride MP on the council achieving this milestone.

Further celebrations are planned in the year with the planting of 125 trees with the help of Sandford School and a Parish Boundary Walk split over two days.

Any parishioners interested in planning these events is welcome to attend the next meeting of the parish council when this will be discussed.

Open Forum - Charlie Werner (Chairman of the Millennium Green Trust) was present and reported that the cycle/footpath from Sandford to Crediton would be celebrating its 20th anniversary in 2020.

Tribute was paid to those who had helped make this happen back in 2000, including Linda Lever and also Eddie Trick for his assistance in the purchase of the land that had been needed.

Thanks to a £700 grant from Devon County Council, work was to be carried out on the path to resolve drainage issues where it was regularly flooded. Work was also due to be carried out on the pond.

The parish council had received a copy letter from a parishioner, sent to the Chairman of Mid Devon District Council (MDDC), regarding the process in which planning matters are publicised locally by the District Council.?The parish council usually get notification (by email) of new planning applications. At the same time they are displayed (by MDDC) at the relevant location and the parish council has a short time to formulate a response and, if necessary, arrange a site visit.

It was pointed out that at the same time it is usual practice for “neighbours” to be notified by the planning office of any new planning applications.

After discussion the parish council was satisfied with the process in which planning applications are dealt with and it was pointed out that the council has no say over how the planning notices are posted and advertised. It was agreed to remind parishioners that it is useful if the parish council is copied in to any comments sent to MDDC on planning matters.

The Clerk reported that the Yellow Lines outside Sandford School in Fanny’s Lane had been re-painted. Also a report that there was an excess of water on Fanny’s Lane and it was agreed that this was surface water draining away from the allotments. The Sandford Sign on the Crediton Road had mysteriously disappeared overnight, only to be found thrown into the adjoining hedge.

It was suggested that the Sandford sign incident might have occurred after an event at the Parish Hall? A suggestion was made that the Parish Hall should, in future, request a deposit from potential hirers to cover any damage in the village?

Victory in Europe Bank Holiday - A National Commemoration is planned for Bank Holiday Friday, May 8 (to replace May Day) and communities will be holding events during the weekend.

Suggestions for inclusion in Sandford as well as the planned 1940 Street Market on Saturday, May 9, include closing the Square for the Day and a Tea Party involving all families.

Also suggested were craft stalls, entertainment, bands and local folk groups. Crediton Town Band is to be invited to play during the afternoon.

A Public Meeting is set for February 5, starting at 7.30pm at Sandford Congregational Hall to discuss suggestions for the Parish Celebrations.

Donations were approved to Citizens Advice (£220) and Mid Devon Rural Transport (£100).

The Annual Parish Meeting will take place on March 26, at which time it is hoped to form a Community-lead Sandford Climate Action Group, made up of interested parishioners.

Mid Devon District Councillor Elizabeth Wainwright offered to find a speaker for the evening.

The next Parish Council meeting will take place on February 6, beginning at 7.30pm at Sandford Congregational Church Hall.