SANDFORD residents are advised that there is likely to be some traffic disruption in the village in August when the delivery of ZedPod homes takes place.

Sandford Parish Council heard at its July meeting that the parking review has been completed and Mid Devon District Council has written to residents with its recommendations.

Parish Council chair Richard Ward said he believes that the conclusion is to provide two extra spaces at council expense which he believes constitutes success.

He said he would like to thank the residents for responsibly participating in the parking review. 

He continued: “As for the ZedPods, the ground works have already started.

“A letter to residents says the ZedPods will be put in place sometime in August.

“Mid Devon District Council will give two weeks’ notice because the knock-on effect will undoubtedly cause parking disruption in Sandford. They are offering to provide a shuttle bus from the village carpark to Crofts whilst the estate is blocked off.”

New Councillor wanted: It looks likely that Sandford Parish Council will soon have an election to fill the vacant seat on the Parish Council.

To have an election it needs 10 parishioners to request it in writing.

Mr Ward said he was pleased to know that there is such interest in becoming a councillor.

If there is more than one nominee for the vacancy there will be an election.

Mr Ward added that the only downside to an election is the cost, the bill for elections falls to the Parish, which he said seems to be a bizarre way to encourage democracy!

Best Kept Garden 2024: The competition is on. Jim Stephens is working hard to set the judging panel for this year’s best garden competition. 

Footpath repairs and new footpaths: The repairs to the Furlongs footpath running along the bottom of the Weavers Way will be funded by Devon County Council which is good news, and the council hopes the works will be completed over the summer.

The Devon County Council (DCC) funding means that the council can focus Parish Council resources on the path between Snows and the Furlongs. The timescales for the work will depend on the speed of the legal process to transfer ownership of the land.

White Lines in the Square: In June the idea of painting white lines to mark the edge of the raised footpaths in the square in Sandford was suggested. The proposal got a lukewarm response from the highways department at Devon County Council who were concerned it might set a precedent, and the officer wrote to say they wouldn’t support the project.

The Parish Council still think it’s a good idea, but before it progresses it, it is seeking further clarification from DCC, given that it has a benefactor offering to pay for the work.

The council will also be consulting with Parishioners, particularly with businesses and residents in and around the square.

East Village Defibrillator: Congratulations is extended to Sara Weedon and her team for securing the funding needed for a defibrillator in East Village. 

Neighbourhood Plan: The Parish Council aim is to set up an open meeting for interested parties over the summer.

Anyone who wants to be involved and has not already indicated an interest, please email Richard Ward: [email protected] to get details of the meeting time and date.

Funding is available to support Neighbourhood Planning so if there is a will the council hopes to be able to get started this year.

Summer Recess: No meeting is planned for August, so the next planned full council meeting is scheduled for Thursday, September 5.