THE February meeting of Sandford Parish Council was taken by Vice Chair Jim Stephens who welcomed 14 members of the public.

Furlongs Footpath – Jay Northfield will soon start to lay the Furlongs footpath. By combining funding from Devon County Council and the Parish Council the path will run along the south side of Weavers Way and Brady Close from the gate at one end to the second gate at the other end of the path.

I thank Paul Sandys and Jim Stephens for getting this project over the line. I would also like to thank Councillor Margaret Squires for the funding she has directed to help complete this stage of our footpath plans.

It is frustrating that we are still not able to complete the path from Snows to Weavers Way. We are still negotiating with Belfield Developments over the land they are gifting to the Parish. This path will eventually enable a link from the bottom to the top of the village avoiding Rose and Crown hill and the main road through the village.

Keep the Lamb Inn – At the last meeting the Parish Council agreed to put forward an application for The Lamb Inn to become an Asset of Community Value. The campaign group hope that this will give them time to fundraise and purchase the pub for the community.

Sports Pavilion – In the last few weeks an unknown vehicle collided with the Sports Pavilion. Sadly, the collision has caused structural damage to the building which has rendered it unsafe. In collaboration with the football club, the council are making insurance claim to pay for the works to repair the pavilion. No-one has taken responsibility for the incident so far, which is disappointing.

New Basketball half court – On behalf of the Parish Council I would like to thank David Hope for bringing this project to completion. The court is situated on the King George V playing field. David has worked tirelessly to fund raise and manage the installation which has been severely hampered by the weather. I hope that in the next few weeks will announce the time and date of an opening ceremony.

Councillor Vacancy - There is a vacancy on the Parish Council. The last time we had an election to replace a councillor Mid Devon District Council charged the Parish Council £5,670 to pay for running of the election – the election cost is equivalent to one sixth of our annual budget! If anyone is interested in becoming a councillor, please contact the Clerk or Chair for further details.

Sandford Recognition Awards – Last year we ran the Sandford Recognition Awards for people who have made an outstanding contribution to the Parish. The nominations for an award come from parishioners who want to recognise good deeds of others. A minimum of two people must make the nomination. Please send the nominations by email to cllrward@[email protected], or make your nomination in writing it and leave it with Sandford Stores. Closing date for nominations is March 14.

Richard Ward
