IT was agreed that the September meeting of Sandford Parish Council, held under Coronavirus safety rules, had been a great success.

The Parish Hall team were congratulated on the arrangements, plus putting the paperwork in place, to enable the Hall to be back in use once again.

Items reported to the Clerk included:

• Traffic warden activity in the Square who was also now visiting Crofts to ensure no vehicles were parked on the pavement. ?• Problems over a van parked overnight, on the double yellow lines outside Star House, which made a tractor and trailer unable to navigate through the Square and also held up the 7.45am bus. ?Sandford Pulls Together – Although things were easing SPT remained in place and the weekly updates from Devon County Council and Devon Communities Together were still being circulated. Pictures, and information for the SPT scrapbook were still arriving. Mel Stride MP had written an introduction and had offered to get the Prime Minister to autograph the book when completed. ?Beating the Bounds/Boundary Stones - It was agreed to enquire what the formal position was for re-positioning boundary stones on the edge of the highway.?It was still hoped to use the granite post, offered by Cllr G Ford, and to create a new boundary stone between Sandford and Crediton at Pedlarspool. ?A possible Beating of the Bounds, over two days, maybe at Easter 2021, seemed a possibility. ?Grass verge Meadowside Road - The grass verge had finally been cut during August, thanks to a contact of Steve McCulloch whom the Clerk had thanked. It was agreed that the belated cutting of the grass here had been much appreciated by the residents. At the next meeting it was agreed to discuss the policy for 2020 onwards. ?Response to Meadowside “dugout” letters - The Clerk presented an overview of the comments received back from the residents of 1–8 Meadowside, and also from other parts of the parish, to the suggestion from Sandford AFC to the building of “dugouts”.?Overall there had been a negative response. The main point was that had been made that “this is a Playing Field and not a Football pitch”. ?The Parish Council did not feel able to support the current request and proposed locations. ?There was also a feeling that any “dugouts” should not be permanent and could be packed away between games? A number of examples were found on-line.?It was agreed to ask Sandford AFC whether it would consider “temporary dugouts” that could be moved to a corner, say by the tractor shed, after the game? It was also agreed to ask the football club to make any suggestions to improve the relationship with residents living nearby? It was pointed out that in most villages their football pitches were outside a residential area.?The Parish Council was pleased that the football club was thriving, and successful, and was keen to encourage a harmonious atmosphere within the village. ?“Creedy View 2 Development” – The Clerk presented a report of a meeting held with Justin Denno (co-founder of Belfield Developments, based in Exeter) the Parish Council, County Cllr Mrs Margaret Squires and Mid Devon District Cllr Elizabeth Wainwright.?Justin Denno introduced himself and explained that his company was in the process of acquiring the rest of the field below Creedy View, from the Gorwyn Family, and it was their proposal to develop the land themselves by engaging building contractors.

A plan was produced showing a proposed development of 13 homes (an increase of 13 per cent above the MDDC Local Plan) to include nine three and four bedroomed homes, two bungalows, and two affordable homes.

Cllr Elizabeth Dalton asked why, when the Local Plan indicated an allocation of eight dwellings to be built, a submission of 13 was being made??Cllr Margaret Squires interjected that the number of dwellings mentioned in the Local Plan was "only indicative" of numbers.

The Council was told that once matters had been agreed, and discussion had taken place with relevant bodies, a full planning application would be submitted.

Councillors asked how would the Parish benefit from the development.

Once again the Parish was to be offered the land below the footpath including that above the access up the hedge from Snows.?Once again the Parish were to be offered a structured footpath from Snows to Creedy View.

After taking questions, and a tour of the field, Justin then left and promised to send a copy of the current plan that was being used.

Date of the next REMOTE meeting was agreed as October 1 at 7.30pm.