COVID-19 has presented many challenges for everyone but the Royal British Legion’s commitment to the Armed Forces has not altered, only the way the charity works ensuring assistance offered during this crisis is still available. The Legion has been using technology to keep in contact with individuals and the six Legions’ care homes nationally.
If you feel that the Legion may be able to help you, please make contact by calling the Legion helpline number on 0808 802 8080.
Our local branch has a very small committee with most of the Officers having to shield due to vulnerability. However, back in May, a handful of members, joined by the Mayor and a few others, gathered at the War Memorial to commemorate the 75th anniversary of VE Day by laying a wreath.
Tribute was paid to the service and sacrifice of the entire Second World War generation, from British, Commonwealth and Allied Forces to evacuees and those who served on the home front.
Whilst VE Day marked the beginning of the end of the Second World War, many thousands of Armed Forces personnel were still involved in bitter fighting in the Far East.
Unfortunately, the Branch is unable to obtain a commemorative VJ Day wreath but on August 15, the Royal British Legion will be holding a commemoration at the National Memorial Arboretum to mark the 75th anniversary of VJ Day to remember the forgotten history of those who served.
Victory over Japan (VJ Day) marks the day Japan surrendered on August 15, 1945, which in effect ended the Second World War.
Remembrance 2020 will be somewhat different this year and plans are being prepared but have yet to be finalised.
Jane Sansom
Treasurer/Poppy Appeal Organiser