SANDFORD Parish Council met for the first time on May 18 following recent local elections.

Richard Ward was elected as Chairman and Jim Stephens as Vice Chairman.

A minute’s silence was held in memory of former Parish Councillor Michael Lee who had passed away earlier in the week.

Sub Committees were set up to deal with planning, finance, play areas, projects and communications.

It was agreed to press on and get the ongoing issue of "20’s Plenty" signs sorted out at an early date.

Five Parishioners were present including Neil Butterfield who “thanked past and present Parish Councillors for their service to the Parish”.

It was reported that the Parish Coronation Celebrations had gone down well which had been confirmed by the feedback.

It was agreed to send letters of thanks to Angela Crooke and her “merry band of helpers” for the Coronation tea and to Stevie B’s for the amazing celebration cake.

A start has been made on the Coronation Scrapbook and if you have any pictures of your celebrations, please send them to the parish clerk or email them to: [email protected] .


Sandford Congregational Church has now been sold subject to contract.

The buyer has informed the Clerk that a planning application will be submitted to Mid Devon District Council for change of use and also that “We are keen to share the use of both buildings with the Parish community”.

Devon Highways advised of a road closure from Signpost Corner to Stoneshill Cross from May 29 to June 2.

The Clerk presented the accounts for the year ended March 31, 2023 and these were formally adopted by the meeting.

Jim Stephens gave advance notice of the 2023 Best Kept Gardens Contest.

It was decided that the Parish Council would return to meeting on the first Thursday of the month (venue to be confirmed monthly). 

The next meeting will take place on June 1, at 7.30pm, at the Sandford Community Sports Pavilion.