CREDITON’S Lansdcore Primary School increased its recycling capacity recently by joining the Ellie’s Fund recycling programme and recycling batteries.

The school now has a dedicated recycling station in the hall lobby and there is a plan to further extend it in the future.

In response to the debate on plastic pollution sparked by David Attenborough’s “Blue Planet”, the Government has challenged schools to go single-use plastic free by 2022.

The increase in recycling in Landscore School is being seen as an initial step on this journey.

A class of Key Stage 2 pupils has studied recycling in depth and created posters and a book highlighting the importance of recycling and opportunities for local recycling.

Ellie’s Fund recycling initiative turns everyday rubbish into money for brain tumour research in memory of Ellie, who was 11 when she died of a brain tumour.

There are 17 categories of items which can be recycled as part of Ellie’s Fund.

Landscore has launched its efforts focusing on four items – crisp packets, biscuit wrappers, oral care products and packaging and pens.

Following an assembly by Mr Seller, the Deputy Head, pupils have started to collect these items at home and from around school.

Pupils are also collecting batteries which are being recycled through the Battery Back programme.

This builds upon the collection of paper, card, plastic and tins that already happens within the school.