IN last week’s letter page (“Courier”, June 20), Mike Baldwin suggests that voters in the Mid Devon Constituency should vote tactically to remove Mel Stride as our Member of Parliament.

A General Election gives us all an opportunity not only to elect a government to rule for a number of years but also to elect the best candidate to serve our own constituency and all its varied needs.

Mel Stride has been Member of Parliament for Mid Devon since 2010 and over the last 14 years he has worked tirelessly to represent the constituents of this large and mainly rural community.

He is seen every week of the year, in a mid Devon town, village or on a farm, helping improve matters for all of those who are fortunate to live in this beautiful part of Devon.

He has combined all this with a number of ministerial appointments and is currently Secretary of State for Work and Pensions where his remit covers working people, pensioners, families and disabled people.

Whilst I agree with Mike Baldwin that it may well be time for a change of Government I do not agree that we need to change our excellent Mid Devon constituency M.P.

Robin Thomas

East Raddon
