by Alan Quick

GCSE results were announced on Thursday, August 24 and Queen Elizabeth’s School in Crediton says that while comparisons with previous years results are difficult to compare due to changes in the marking process, it is pleased with the results achieved this year.

Rupert Poole, Principal, speaking that day, said: “First and foremost I want to say well done to all our students.

“We are very pleased with the results, especially so in the new, and much more demanding English and maths GCSEs.

“Results day is always a nerve-racking day for students, parents and teachers alike.

“This year it was more so than ever with so much uncertainty due to the government’s changes to the exam system and the awarding of new, and much more challenging 1-9 grades in English and maths.

“So it was with some relief to see strong results, and lots of happy and smiling students here this morning.

“We were open from 9am officially, but lots of students came early, keen to find out their results and it was a lovely to see them sharing their good news with family and friends.

“Today’s results come after our fantastic A level results last week and we look forward to welcoming many of the youngsters back into the Sixth Form in September.

“On behalf of all the staff here at QE, I would like to congratulate all our students, and I would like to thank all the staff - and the parents - for their hard work supporting the students.

“The changes to the exam system mean it is not possible to draw conclusions between this year’s performance and performance in previous years, which in many ways is a nice change; it means we can be much more focussed on the individual children and their achievements which is exactly as it should be.

“Students undoubtedly face greater challenges, not just the new style GCSEs but in an ever more demanding world, and it is their hard work and determination that gets the great results we have seen here today – our very best wishes to all of them for the future.”

He concluded: “We have been celebrating the results of many students here this morning and special mention this year must go to Morgan Wallace who got the highest possible grades in all her subjects with a fantastic eight A* grades and she also secured the new top grade 9 in English Literature, English Language and maths. A truly amazing achievement!”

Photos by Sue Read